Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Reductionist View

 In a reductionist view, a religion is created in which we are the most important stars of the show and others tend to not be as important in our self-absorbed screenplay. We are also the directors of our play, deeming what is important and who should go where or say what according to what we believe the Producer may want; we don’t bother asking the Producer as He has so much to worry about that we are sure pertains strictly to ourselves. We provide answers and directions to all involved whenever we deem appropriate or if they ask, but, after all, we know what’s going on and that’s all that matters; why share the answers with those around us? Why put all the pieces together and show them the bigger picture that leads to the Final Act? We know what happens. We will be there; isn’t that all that matters?

No. It’s not all that matters. God created a world of unique and individual stars. He is the producer, the Director, the stage-hand, etc. He fulfills all roles that direct and guide and lead to the Final Act that glorifies Him. Each unique and individual star is as important to Him as the one before and the one that will come next. If one missing, the stage-lights dim more and more with each passing act. Nothing goes unnoticed or is lost on Him, and those He directs may stumble and fall, but all that He has created is purposed to work together. We must be vigilant to know our part within the play, but seek to find and support all of those around us should something go wrong or should the lights suddenly go out. When the curtain falls, we all will be either in an eternal round of applause for the Creator or in the alternative pit of despair and isolation from Him. He has provided us with the answers to all of our questions in His Word, and it is our job to know it, to digest it, and to share it. It’s the greatest story ever told, and He has chosen each one of us to be a part of it!
I got a little carried away, but my point is that the reductionist view reduces Christianity to a religion about ourselves and not about others. It sadly says that God’s concern is purely with ourselves. If we are to truly internalize the Scripture and seek the ‘why’ instead of the ‘what’ then we would see even more how truly unworthy we are and would not see ourselves above those around us and would want to share the news of salvation, redemption, and freedom in Jesus Christ. It has been my experience that we’re being taught a whole lot of ‘what’ to believe, but not ‘why’ and not only does our walk suffer, but our witness does as well. We must answer life’s questions within our own hearts in order to be able to convey the changing and saving power of Christ to others.

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