Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Yep, Yep, Yep...

Key things that have opened my mind or made me scream "Amen!" internally... -The CHILD is the best indicator of what methods should be used to teach that child. (Opened my Mind) -In order to truly focus on the child, we must focus on the parent as well. (Opened my Mind) -In the daily grind of life, children are learning how to relate to God, even if that is not the parents' intention. So parents must develop ears and eyes that are sensitive to helping children recognize God at work in the world around them. This sense begins the process of a child's developing a worldview. (Can I get an AMEN?!?) -The relationship parents have with their child is the best indicator of a child's relationship with God. If the relationship with the child is constantly rooted and built on God's Word, the child more likely will follow the model of his family. (AMEN!!) ****True light bulb moment for me, since I feel passionately about the need for actual lessons and the beginnings of spiritual formation as early as bed babies..."Referring to the preschool area as the 'nursery' and to teachers as 'workers' may be only a matter of terminology, but most people outside of the preschool area will understand these in terms of caregiving, not teaching."**** -Church members, please pay attention...parents are often miles and even states away from other family members. Parents need individuals who are willing to minister, coach, and mentor. Often our support system only extends as far as the door to our mailbox! (This I can attest to!)The ministry it would even be for older couples within a church to adopt couples with young children and commit to caring for those families through impromptu lunches and a few worry-free nights of babysitting!

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